All kids and parents will need to check in first at a Kiosk Station or Welcome Desk to receive a name tag and their parent or guardian can receive a Pick-Up Tag. Kids are not allowed to check themselves in. For children ages 1 - 5, place the name tag on the child’s back or shoulders. This allows the tag to be visible for the teacher and not easily removable by the child or any activities they participate in. The Pick-Up Tag MUST BE PRESENTED when picking up your child. You may sign a waiver for your 4th – 6th grader to be released to meet you in a pre-planned place at the end of the service. These waivers are available at the KidsLife Welcome Desks.

Parents are asked to drop off and pick up their preschoolers and children in the classrooms (unless a waiver is signed). All parents MUST present a current Pick-Up Tag before a child can be released from their classroom.

Because we are concerned for the safety and health of each child, we ask that parents do not bring their child to our KidsLife activities if one or more of the following symptoms are present: 

  • Unusual fatigue or irritability 

  • Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, or obvious cold symptoms 

  • Fever of 100° or higher within 24 hours 

  • Vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours 

  • Mouth sores, unless Child’s Physician confirms it is noninfectious 

  • Rash with fever or behavior change, unless Child’s Physician confirms it is noninfectious 

  • Conjunctivitis (Yellow-Green eye discharge with redness) until 24 hours after treatment first begins 

  • Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment first begins 

  • Strep Throat, until 24 hours after treatment first begins and 24 hours fever free 

  • Head lice, until the morning after the first treatment 

  • Scabies, until the morning after treatment 

  • Childhood illnesses: Chicken pox (6 days after onset of rash), whooping cough (5 days of antibiotic treatment complete), mumps (9 days after onset of swelling), measles (4 days after rash clears) 

  • Symptoms which may be indicative of a serious communicable illness 

Should any of the symptoms mentioned above be detected in a child, the nursery volunteer needs to ask the parents not to bring their child into the room. If an injury or illness is detected in the child after arrival, please alert the KidsLife Staff or Coordinator so they can alert the parents for an immediate pick-up.

Parents are asked to notify staff of all known allergies and other medical issues. This information is critical for the safety and protection of the child and his or her classmates. Instructions for communication as well as symptoms to observe when a reaction occurs. All allergy and medical information will be noted on the child’s name tag for easy identification. KidsLife is a nut-free area.

All medications must be given by a parent or legal guardian. Volunteers are not allowed to administer medications. Exceptions will be noted for specific events such as Kid’s Camp, overnights, etc. A detailed registration plan will be in effect if KidsLife will need to distribute medication.

In keeping with our Vision Framework, we ask that all parents of preschool age children serve in a classroom. This is on a rotation schedule that is provided to parents in 3 parts: (Spring/Summer/Fall & Winter). All Helping Hands will need to complete a Background Check.

All volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application and pass a confidential Background Check before serving with children, ages 17 or lower. Volunteers must provide references that are not FBCO Staff and must be a good standing member of FBCO.

Children wanting to be baptized must have celebrated their 6th birthday, must express understanding of salvation, must be able to communicate their story of personal faith, and has publicly professed their faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior. A child must meet with a pastor before a baptism can be scheduled.

Attending the Starting Point Class will be a great asset to helping the child understand their faith and can give steps in beginning their relationship with Christ.

Any child who has made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior and professed their faith publicly are encouraged to attend this 2-session class. This class is designed for new believers who seek to know more and to set a good course in understanding more about Christ and their new faith. One parent will need to attend each class with their child.

Parents are welcome to attend a classroom with their child. Parents are not considered a volunteer until they have completed the FBCO screening process. Please note that visitors may bring in unwanted germs and confusion to the flow of the classroom.

All volunteers who wish to serve in KidsLife will make their best effort to attend and complete the required training and become familiar with the KidsLife Handbook.

Junior Volunteers (Age 17 or younger) will be approved and trained by the KidsLife Staff Office. They will be required to serve with an approved adult volunteer at the choosing and needs of the KidsLife Staff. They must complete a Volunteer Application and be signed by the parent/guardian.

The KidsLife Ministry at First Baptist Church O’Fallon is a mandatory reporting agency. Our staff and volunteers are required by Illinois state law to report all cases or suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. Such abuse and neglect can be physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual. If a volunteer observes any indication of abuse involving a child or in conversing with the child, the volunteer must contact a KidsLife Staff Member immediately to learn the proper way to report it to the state agency properly. Volunteers are expected and trained to be alert to situations when child abuse and neglect may be happening. If suspected, the volunteer will report to a KidsLife Staff Member immediately.

All parents requesting to participate in a baby dedication will be asked to meet with the Children’s Pastor before the dedication can be scheduled.

At times, registration may be required to attend certain events. All deadline are required to be meet and followed by the parents.

Our classrooms will move up to their new grades one time per year on the 2nd weekend in August.

In the event of inclement weather, proper communication will be provided for all schedule changes through our church website, app, and social media platforms.

Children who willingly disobey will be given a 3-strike warning. Following the 3rd strike, the parents will be called, and a meeting will be scheduled to determine the outcome of the behavior.

The standard snack is crackers and water. In the event of a snack change, an allergy alert sign will be posted outside of the classroom to alert parents of the new snack being provided.

All volunteers will strive to provide the best teaching environment for preschoolers and children. Volunteers may use props and items to demonstrate the lesson to engage their senses. Volunteers will not be alone with a child in a classroom. All volunteers must always maintain visibility of the classroom entrance.

Our volunteers are encouraged to use God’s creation in their teaching lessons. Children will never be out of sight from the teachers.