Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Participants: Open to all adults
Facilitator: Trey Finnern
Length: 6 weeks (Every week is a standalone study)
Beginning: September 22
Ending: October 27
Weekly Preparation Time: None
Many Christians encounter claims denying the existence of God.
"There's too much evil in the world for God is exist."
"The Bible is just a bunch of made-up fairy tales, none of that really happened."
"We don't need God, we have science."
These comments are heard frequently, but how should we respond? Answers like "just have faith" or "the Bible says it, so I believe it" just don't cut it anymore, especially with non-believers. Christians must understand why we believe what we believe. The evidence is there, we simply need to study it!
In this series, you'll learn to graciously and confidently respond to common objections that atheists and skeptics often hurl at believers. You'll learn from experts in apologetics like author and international speaker Dr. Sean McDowell, former homicide detective and best-selling author J. Warner Wallace, and others.
September 22: If God is so Good, Why is There Evil and Suffering?
September 29: Are Miracles Possible?
October 6: Shattering the Myths of Evolution
October 13: The Cold Case for the Reliability of the Gospels
October 20: Did God Command Genocide?
October 27: Tactics in Defending the Faith