This is a two day event.
Level 1 Classes: Chaplaincy, DR 101, Chainsaw, Childcare, Feeding, Flood Recovery, Intro. to Incident Management Team (IMT), Resiliency- Understanding People and Situations, both Physically and Mentally, Sharing Hope in Crisis- Evangelism-Mandatory Class, Shower/Laundry, Understanding Callouts, There is something for Everyone to Do.
Level 2 Classes: Communications and Assessments (must have been on Chainsaw and Flood Recovery callouts)
Friday, April 11 (starts at 12:00 PM)
Saturday, April 12 (8:00 AM – 3:30 PM)
Emmanuel Baptist Church
116 W. 2nd South St.
Carlinville, IL 62626
Current members are free. New members or those with expired badges cost $50.00.
Contact Janet Sheley (217) 391-3126 or JanetSheley@IBSA.org