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Vacation Bible School 2025

  • First Baptist O'Fallon 1111 East Highway 50 O'Fallon, IL, 62269 United States (map)


Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!

Monday - Friday
June 9-13

8:45AM - 12:15PM

For children entering Kindergarten - Completed 5th grade

*Register your child(ren) under their current grade.

Would you like to serve at VBS?

Complete the registration form at the link below and a KidsLife Staffer will follow up and provide you more information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • VBS will have large group and small group settings where children are grouped into classes based on the grade they just completed. Activities include Bible Study, Music, Crafts, Recreation, Missions, and Snacks.

  • Children should wear comfortable clothes, such as shorts and T-shirts, and closed-toed tennis shoes every day. We encourage children to bring a Bible with them every day if they have one.

  • Parents are welcome to order VBS t-shirts directly from LifeWay this year. You can go to to order shirts.

  • On the registration form, there is a place to request placement with a friend. Friend requests are limited to ONE pairing. Friends must be in the same grade, and each friend must request the other to be paired together.

  • Our PreK and Kindergarten classes will have recreation outside, weather permitting. Our First – Fifth Graders will have recreation in the gym, but will have a break time outside, weather permitting.

  • We will have trained volunteers available to assist children should any emotional or behavioral needs arise.

  • Please contact to receive a medication form prior to the start of VBS. On the first day of VBS, please bring the completed form and medication to our First Aid Station during check-in. Our first aid team will go over it with you at that time.

  • Families should park and enter through the Main Entrance on the East side of the building. Greeters will be available to direct you. If children are preregistered, check them in at the computer kiosks using the last 4 digits of the parent’s phone number. Each child will receive a nametag sticker, a sticker to give their teacher, and parents need to keep the security tag for dismissal that afternoon. Parents must check-in their children each morning.

    Once stickers have printed, parents will walk their children into the Worship Center and locate their classes based on the class listed on the stickers. Signs will be posted throughout the Worship Center.

  • Parents must have the security tag each day. If someone other than a parent is picking up, a photo of the tag is acceptable.

    Parents can line up outside the Worship Center doors starting at 12:05pm. Doors will open at 12:15pm for parents to enter and show the security tag to each child’s teacher to pick them up.

    Children will NOT be dismissed to meet parents in the parking lot. Parents must enter the building to pick up their children, including 5th graders.

  • Bring the security tag to the Main Entrance. A director or VBS nurse will call for your child to be brought to the Main Entrance.

  • Information will be posted near the computer kiosks at check-in which will include details about snacks, missions, family night, and more. Daily information will also be emailed home each afternoon to the email address given at registration. If you have any additional questions, you are always welcome to ask one of our registration volunteers or directors.

  • Yes, parents are welcome to send an alternate snack. However, please be sensitive to other children with allergies by not including any nuts or peanut butter products. If sending an alternate snack, please be sure to alert the teacher during drop off.

  • This year’s Missions Offering will be announced as we get closer to VBS.

  • On Friday night of VBS (June 13) we invite all participants and their families to a night of celebration and fun. We will begin in the Worship Center for a family Worship Rally. Then we will end the night with a fun family friendly activity. Family night will begin at 6:00pm.

  • Yes! We would love for your family to attend FBCO on a Sunday morning. You are welcome to visit with us prior to VBS to get to know us. All VBS families are also encouraged to join us the Sunday after VBS (June 15). Children will experience the final Worship Rally in our KidsLife area while parents can go to the Worship Service. Services are at 9:40am and 11:00am.


Earlier Event: June 1
Baptism Night