Welcome High school Grads!

Congrats! We are so excited to welcome you to FBCO Young Adults. We have an exciting summer planned for you as your transition from High School to young adulthood. We encourage you to not miss out on your last senior summer with First Students, but we also want to invite you to our many summer activities to help you grow in your faith and meet awesome people. Here are some steps you can take as you transition below!

Step 1: Summer Kickoff - June 1st

This is our annual Summer Kickoff! Come for free food, laser tag, and volleyball. Meet us at FBCO at the main entrance Atrium at 6:30PM. This is going to be a summer you will not want to miss.

Step 2: YA Life Groups - Starting June 4th

We have many YA LIFE Groups perfect just for you! Co-ed and gender specific groups, Sundays and mid-week. Click here to request to join the group that best fits you!

Step 3: YA NIGHT - Starting June 8th

This is the most exciting night of the week, it’s our Young Adult Night. Come our for dinner at 6:30PM on Thursdays followed by worship, a message, and late night games. We encourage you to still stay active in First Students this summer, but we welcome you to join us as well.

Step 4: YA Float Trip - July 22nd

This is our annual Young Adult Float Trip. We will meet at FBCO and carpool to Bourbon, MO for Blue Springs Ranch’s 5 mile float trip. This is an awesome time for young adults to come together and spend the day on the river. (Registration opens on June 1st.) Register by June 29th to get our Early Bird price of $25/person. After the 29th, the price goes up to $35/person so register today!