Welcome, Life Group Leader! 🎉

Thank you for stepping up to lead students to become fully devoted followers of Christ! We’re so glad you’re part of the team. First Students is all about community. As a Life Group Leader, you’ll help give people a place to belong, believe and become a part of the church. This guide will give you all the info you need to start impacting student’s lives! Let’s get started!



Replicate Ministries has created a Group Leader Podcast and made available to everyone and we believe will help you grow and develop as a Life Group Leader. Since this podcast was produced by a different ministry, not all the terms or examples may apply, but please take the time to engage as it will help you spiritually as you step into this new role.


Grow as a leader 📈

Strong Life Group leadership begins with strong self-awareness. One of the best ways to grow as a leader is to take the time to learn, grow and develop yourself spiritually first – this matters the most! There will be resources and opportunities made available to you throughout the year. Below are three books we believe can help you in your leadership development process. Let us know which one you’d like and we will get it for you!

FOCUS: Those who may be just starting the process of discipling others. This book is a great resource for anyone wanting a better, biblical understanding of discipleship.

FOCUS: For those who may be committed to leading but unsure of what long-term leadership in a small group setting looks like practically.

FOCUS: For those who want a guide for helping others grow spiritual while finding a means of determining effective disciple-making in your group.


Congratulations! 👏

Thanks for completing the Life Group Leader training! Please email us with the book you’d like and we look forward to having you join our team!