A new self check-in System is here!!!

Starting Sunday, August 14th, we are launching a brand new way to check in your kids on Sundays & Wednesdays! It’s called Planning Center and we think you’ll find this to be one of the smoothest and easiest check-in experiences you’ve ever had!

How does it work?

Step #1

Once you arrive, walk up to one of our Self Check-In Kiosks. Enter the last four digits of your phone numnber or scan your KidsLife barcode.

Step #2

Select your family, then select all who will be checking in along with the correct LIFE Group they are attending.

Step #3

Confirm that the age & grade are correct, then select whom is dropping off in the bottom left corner. This is the emergency contact. Once done, press the blue “Check-In” button and your tags will print.

There’s a new church app!

Set to release on August 14th, the new FBCO app will allow you to do so much more including a way to pre-check in your kids as well as access a mobile pass to scan them in at a kiosk (set to release later this year). The new app will give you access to all things FBCO including a new way to give your tithes/offerings and see and register for upcoming events with ease!