One of the biggest challenges we face as Life Group Leaders is to create a space where students can talk, share and understand the Word of God in just one hour a week!
Below are some ideas that might help you as you minister and lead your group to become fully devoted followers of Christ!
Set reminders on your phone for prayer requests. If a student says they have a big test on Thursday, set a reminder that morning to pray for them and then message them with prayer, a verse, or a word of encouragement!
Ask your group about their highs and lows for the week. Spend the first couple minutes asking what was great and not so great about their week. Most students will share (even guests) and their lows can sometimes be prayer requests.
Plan an activity once a semester. These don’t have to be anything fancy. Maybe invite your group over for lunch after church, go bowling, or open up your house for a movie night. When students connect with you and each other outside of the church, it will create a stronger bond and greater communication on Sunday morning.
For our 9:40am leaders, please remember to arrive at 9:30am and to dismiss your groups by 10:45am.
A Vision of Multiplication: We know it’s can be a challenge to give everyone an opportunity to share but this is where we need to get the vision of multiplication. Smaller groups are often better groups for sharing, teaching, and investing. When groups consistently hit 10-12 students, we need to begin considering multiplying your group.