Life Group | March 7

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When I was in high school, one of the people who made the biggest impact in my life wasn’t the youth pastor – it was my 11th Grade Guy’s Life Group leader! His name was John Henderson and through our time together, both in and out of Life Group, he made a huge spiritual investment in my life!

I can’t remember every lesson he taught or the points he made, but I remember that he cared about me, he invested into my life, and he believed in me at a time in my life when I needed support.

What you do matters!

You may not see it today, but one day, these students are going to look back and will see that their lives were transformed because you were a part of it!

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:2

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We are one team. We have different roles, but we’re all about the same mission of leading students to become fully devoted followers of Christ.



Goal for Discussion: This lesson is meant to challenge us to see others the way God sees them. This passage and discussion should help us refocus our attention on those outside the church that God has called us to love, reach and share the gospel with.

Prayer: God, you showed us your great love on the cross! Since you sacrificed so much for us, how can we not do the same for others? Give us opportunities to share and show the love of Christ this week!

Challenge: Join the students in the “This Is Us” daily devotions! How can we ask students to read the Word each day if we’re not striving for that ourselves? Let’s not ask students to do something we’re not willing to do ourselves!

If you’d like to go a little deeper into the study, you can read the full study here.