Life Group Discussion Guide

When Do Students Move Up?

One question we get each year about this time is “When do I move up in grade?” or “Do I attend this or that event?” We know you get asked these questions so here are the answers to the questions you’ll likely get asked:

  • Promotion Sunday – Even though you may not be in school anymore, we recognize you during the summer by your completed grade for 20-21. Students will be recognized in their new grades on Sunday, August 8, and will then move to their new Life Groups. At this point, completed 8th graders (will be 9th grade this fall) will begin participating in High School events.

  • Completed 12th Graders – These students can still participate in First Students during the summer. These students may begin attending our Young Adult’s Thursday night gatherings on June 3 and we have a special senior-only Life Group that will begin on Sunday, June 6.

  • Completed 8th Graders – These students are still recognized as Jr. High until Promotion Sunday. They will continue to participate in JHM and any Jr. High-specific event.

  • Completed 5th & 6th Graders – This summer, we are inviting our incoming classes to participate in our Sunday Night JHM service. They cannot attend camp and will continue to attend KL5.0 Sunday morning Life Groups until Promotion Sunday.


JHM/5.0 Amazing Race | May 16 | 5:00-8:30pm

For our Jr. High leaders, this is a great opportunity to meet our incoming 6th & 7th-grade class! It’s going to be an AMAZING night that we would love for you to be a part of! Please contact us to let us know you are planning on attending. You can learn more about it here: JHM/5.0 AMAZING RACE

Summer Youth Night Schedule

While it’s not a requirement, we would LOVE to have you join us for Youth Night during the summer when you can. This is a great time to spend time and connect with your group. You can learn more about it here: SUMMER YOUTH NIGHT SCHEDULE


On Sunday, May 23 at 9:40am, we will have a leader meeting in Gym Room 1. There will still be student Life Groups and will be led through Master Teacher (similar to what we did for our January training). Please make plans to be there and if you will be gone that Sunday, please let us know so we can get you the information!

As a reminder – we are asking that you let us know if you are/are not planning on returning as a Life Group leader this fall by Sunday, May 30. We ask that all leaders complete their commitment throughout the summer!