Life Group Discussion Guide

How to Share The Gospel

This Sunday, we’re going to do something a little different with our Life Group lessons. Pastor Doug will be preaching from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and talking about “6 ways to spread the gospel” but to help expand the discussion, we will be learning from Mark 16:15-16.

The truth is, most students (and most Christians) do not know how to explain or share the gospel. This is a big problem! How can we share our faith when we don’t know it?

Inside of your Life Group folder will be an outline of the Romans Road to salvation. I highly encourage you to take the time to walk every student through it.

Even if everyone in your group is Christians, it reminds them of their salvation and teaches them how to share the gospel. If someone in your group isn’t a Christian, it presents the gospel to them clearly and plants a seed in their life.