Fuge Camp!


Hey, Fuge Parents!

Our team has been praying for this next week of camp and is looking forward to all that God is going to do in our student's lives! We know you've received a few emails/updates about camp but we want to make sure you feel confident and prepared to send your child to camp next week.

This email contains the detail for Fuge Camp. We know it can be a lot of information so use the too-long, didn't read (TLDR) sections for highlighted information.

Preparing for Camp

Attached to this email is a packing list of what you need to bring. The main highlighted things to include are:

  • Linens, towels, pillows, and blankets

  • Refillable water bottle

  • Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes (for Mission Sites)

  • Bible, notepad, and pen

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, etc.)

  • Spending money for snacks and camp store (optional)

  • Money for lunch on Monday and Friday (approx. $20-$30)

  • Summer, outdoor clothing – please pack clothes you do not mind getting dirty from our mission sites.

  • Favorite sports team/athletic attire for Mega Relay

TLDR: Please review the attached document for schedule, dress code, and packing list.

Leaving for Camp

Please arrive at 9am on Monday, June 14 in the Gym. If you arrive before 8:30am, there may not be a First Students member as we have to prepare transportation so please be patient until someone arrives. In order to arrive on time, we must leave no later than 10am. If you do not arrive by 9:30am, please know that you will be contacted. If you arrive late, you will have to arrange transportation to camp for your student.

TLDR: Arrive Monday morning at 9am in the Gym. We will leave at exactly 10am.

Health Questionnaire

Some have already submitted their student's health questionnaire form and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. This form was sent to you in order to make you aware of Fuge health expectations. The form must be submitted within 24 of leaving for camp. You may turn this in on Sunday during Life Groups or Youth Night or you may also bring this with you on Monday morning. If your student does not this, Fuge will not let them participate until a parent/guardian has signed a completed form. There will be copies available on Sunday and Monday morning.

TLDR: Health Questionnaires must be completed within 24 hours of leaving for camp. Your student cannot participate at camp without a signed form.

Masks Guidelines

Fuge Camp will follow local/facility guidelines for masks. At SBU, maks are not required when outdoors but will be required when indoors. Students will not be required to wear masks while on the bus or in their rooms. The church will bring some extra, disposable masks for those who lose theirs or forget them. These will be limited so please send your student with a couple of extras just in case.

TLDR: Masks are required when indoors (not in rooms) but not required for outdoors.

Contact & Communication

As a reminder, phones are not allowed during group time, worship, or mission site projects. Below is the First Students Team contact information. If there is an emergency or something urgent, please call us. If you have a general question or want to check in on your student, please text us.

Bryson McGuire: 417-429-7611
Eden Hines: 618-960-9958
Evan Morris: 618-401-1567

You may receive occasional text message updates from the First Students team. We will use this to inform you of any updates, departure time, and anticipated arrival back home (estimated to be 5pm on Friday)

TLDR: Please call us if an emergency or urgent. Please text for general questions or updates.

Thank You!

We want to thank you for your prayers and for entrusting us with your student for this next week! We believe God has amazing things in store for your student and look forward to all that He is going to do!

If you have any questions, please REPLY to this email, and someone from the First Students Team will respond as soon as possible or stop by the Gym on Sunday morning/night to talk with someone.