3 Ways To Open Up A Life Group

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Whether you’ve just stepped into leading a Life Group or have been serving for a while now, it’s normal to wonder how to begin your Life Group time. But what if there were just a few things to minimize awkward silence and maximize your time together. It’s a lot easier than you think.

Three Simple Ways You Can Begin Your Life Group

1 - Introduce Yourself

Tell your Life Group a little bit about yourself – your name, your family, where you work or what you do, things you enjoy doing, etc. Then, give them the freedom to ask questions about you! You’ll be surprised at how fun and creative their questions can be!

Share about yourself and show them you have fun because when your group know who you are, they’ll feel confident to open up and share with you.

2 - Get To Know Them

Now, turn the tables and ask them a question! Have each student introduce themselves (their name, where they go to school, about their family, what they do for fun, etc.) and then have them answer one easy and fun question! You can create your own but here’s a few ideas…

  • What’s your favorite book/movie/tv show

  • Name your favorite place to eat at

  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Even if you think everyone in your group knows each other, don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! So many students who attend Life Groups together don’t actually know each other. These simple questions allow you the opportunity to get to know them and it allows the students the opportunity to get to know each other.

3 - Give Them One Takeaway

Sometimes, teaching a lesson in a short timeframe can feel like a huge task – it’s a lot of information to try and share with your students. So each Sunday, give your students one big takeaway idea. Share upfront what you want them to walk away with and they’ll have a greater understanding of the lesson and what the Bible is saying.

In the lesson booklets, there is a section called “Main Point” and this is something you can share with your group! Give them one truth that they can take away from the lesson and seek to live and apply in their everyday lives.

Remember, you’re more than just a person who prepares a lesson – you are a difference maker. You have the opportunity to make connections and share the truth of God’s Word in a way that will resonate with your group. Keep these tips in mind as you begin this new year and then expand on them as your group grows and transforms.