You are more than just a teacher, you are a leader!
Now, that’s not to say that a teacher can’t have a significant and powerful impact on a student’s life – they can! But, at First Students, we want you to think of yourself as more than someone who only teaches a lesson once a week but as someone who God has called to lead and disciple students.
So what does it look like to be a leader instead of a teacher? There’s many different things that make this happen, but here’s a few to give you some ideas:
Connects with students outside of Sunday morning – text, call, hangout, etc.
Partners with parents to help students who are hurting
Knows what’s happening in their group’s lives and prays for them daily
Reaches out to students who have fallen away or stopped attending
God has uniquely gifted you and called you to this particular Life Group to reach these students in a way that no one else could! Take every opportunity you can this next year to go beyond being a teacher and be a Life Group Leader and watch God do more exceedingly more this year than you could ever imagine!